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Number of visits: 233349

Social Programme

The organizing committee has arranged three tours to visit some of the most important and impressive parts of Barcelona. If you are interested to join one of these tours, book your seat no later than Monday, June 14th, 2010. Booking of the tour should be electronic and has a cost of 5 Euros.

June 21st
Historical Tour

This tour explores the Ramblas and the Barri Gòtic, or Gothic Quarter, the historical and effective centre of Barcelona. Las Ramblas, Spain's most famous boulevard, is an avenue running southeast from the Plaça de Catalunya to Barcelona's Old Port. The Barri Gòtic lies just east of Las Ramblas. Together with the parts El Raval and El Born, it forms the old city of Barcelona. Then we shall drive up the mountain called Montjuïc, passing the Pueblo Español or Spanish Village and up to the Olympic Stadium for the 1992 Games. Meeting point outside Conference venue at 19:00. Please note that the tour will end at Plaza Catalunyaaround 2130

June 21st and 22nd
Walking Around the Old City tour
This tour explores the historic quarter of Barcelona. As popular as La Rambla, Barcelona's adjacent old town Gothic Quarter (the Barri Gotic and La Ribera districts) contains some of Barcelona's most historic sights, and classic examples of Catalan Gothic alongside the remains of ancient Barcelona Roman walls: the church of Santa Maria del Mar and Barcelona Cathedral. Meeting point outside Conference venue at 19:00.

June 22th
Modernistic Tour

The Modernistic Tour is a city tour to the most important and impressive buildings of Antoni Gaudí (1852-1926), probably the most influential Spanish architect over time. The route goes to some of the masterpieces of modernist architecture in Barcelona such Parque Güell, Paseo de Gràcia and Sagrada Familia. Meeting point outside Conference venue at 19:00. Please note that the tour will end at Plaza Catalunya around 2130.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain. / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 / 97 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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